Fighting together for species protection

We are experiencing the greatest loss of species since the extinction of dinosaurs. Humans have caused it and only humans can stop it.

Initiative "Rainforest Giants"

The rainforests of the Amazon basin are the lungs of our Earth. We all depend on them. But the rainforests are under significant threat. Every year millions of hectares of forest are destroyed. To address this ongoing destruction, we have launched the "Rainforest Giants" initiative. A sustainable reforestation project in the Peruvian rainforest, dedicated to long-term climate and biodiversity protection.

And you can help us. Buy a tree certificate and plant your own Rainforest Giant!

to the initiative

Exhibition BUGA 2023

In order to make as many people as possible aware of the importance of biodiversity for our lives, we are a partner of the Bundesgartenschau 2023.

In a total of 17 gardens, the BUGA presents the 17 sustainability goals of the UN in a captivating and creative way. Together with the BUGA, the Biodiversity Foundation has created an exhibition for Goal No. 15 "Life on Land". Under the central idea "We are all connected", we explain why the preservation of biodiversity is important to us humans and why we must protect every single species - whether it is a mosquito or an elephant.

The Bundesgartenschau takes place from 14.04. to 08.10.2023 in Mannheim.


Movie about species extinction

The fight against species extinction is one of the most urgent challenges humanity has to face in this century.

To remind us what is at stake and to show us how rich and unique our planet still is, we are currently creating an international movie about species extinction. By filming impressive scenes from different countries an emotional and attention-grabbing movie will be produced that showcases the stories of conservationists worldwide and their daily fight to protect our planet. In personal stories urgent topics such as overfishing, energy policy, poaching and habitat destruction will be discussed.

To the project

from the news:

The rhinoceros Eric is part of a species conservation project. He grew up in the San Diego Zoo in the United States of America. Now he will be released back into the wild in Tansania to create offspring for his threatened species. But until then it is a long journey. To be specific: a journey of more than 10.000 miles. A journey by truck and plane, over three continents, in 68 hours.

ZEIT ONLINE about Eric, the rhinoceros and his incredible journey from San Diego Zoo to Tansania to save his species. The clip is produced by BIODIVERSITY FOUNDATION and partners.

To clip and article on ZEIT ONLINE


Bird paradise

The "silent spring" has almost become a reality in Germany: by now half of our breeding birds are listed on the Red List of Threatened Species.

By restoring a former corn and grain field in Schleswig-Holstein to its orignal natural state we actively want to do something against the increasing bird mortality. 3,7 hectars will be upgraded ecologically so that native bird spieces will find adequate living conditions and a new home on a longterm base.

To the project


To support the protection of insects in Germany we founded the initiative "DIVERSITY 2030" togehter with Bionade.

Our common goal is to turn 17 million square meters of green areas into insect friendly habitats by 2030. Through various projects and activities for more insect friendly balconies, gardens and public spaces we actively support the conservation of biodiversity in Germany.

To the project

Petition "protection of biodiversity"

In 2019 we started a petition to anchor the "protection of biodiversity" in the German constitution.

Our demand: Roughly one third of Germany's animal and plant species is threatened with extinction. This is why the protection of biodiversity must be treated as a matter of highest priority and as such should be anchored in the German constitution.

With your help we were able to collect more than 110.000 signatures.
Thank you very much for your incredible support!

To the project

from the news:

GEO: "Everywhere on earth the diversity of life is declining. Scientists even warn about the sixth mass extinction in the history of life. At least in Germany "Terra X"-Moderator Dirk Steffens aims to stop this - with an amendment of the German constitution."

to the interview

Our planet is divers

Dirk Steffens about the careless handling of nature.

Species extinction explained

Mass extinction

Does humanity get rid of itself?

We are currently experiencing the greatest loss of species since the extinction of dinosaurs. With every minute the diversity of life on our planet declines and the supply of humans with water, food and oxygen is threatened.

We explain why the loss of species is one of the most urgent topics and challenges of our time.


  • Grindelhof 68
  • 20146 Hamburg
  • Germany

The BIODIVERSITY FOUNDATION projects are funded by your donations. Thank you for your support!

  • IBAN: DE 38 2005 0550 100 228 90 96
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